One of the many many things that I find more tedious to do in the mornings (some of us even do it the night before) is to figure out what to wear to work. Many of us are not lucky enough (yet) to be able to wear jeans or casual to the office, so we stick to the always business-like and professional look: the suit. But it gets pretty boring sometimes: white shirt, pearl-grey suit...You get tired and you want to stand out!We all do... Here are some ideas that I apply to my daily style and might help.
Just a quit hint: make sure you know what you are going to wear at leat 15 mins before you are supposed to leave your house...or you will be late!

High-waist and boyish trousers with silk blouses are a safe choice! If you choose flat boyish shoes with laces you will have the perfect look!

Pencil Skirts are definately a must in your closet! with tights, without them, with ankle boots or stiletos. Black pencil skirt + silkish white/beige shirt and a H belt= sucess!
Khakis - or BF pants with Hermes belts with a romantic shirt, an oversize jumper or a boyish shirt will do the look. Pumps might work with this look, but I might go for a pair of heels so that it does not make you look like a canteen, especially if you are short.

If you think some of these are a bit casual for your office, then reserve them for fridays, since most of the people just work half a day and the dress code is less strict.
Blazers and white oversize tshirts are winners!
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